I am Robert :
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I have been an Artist & Musician for the last 40 years, and I never tire of creating something new.

My Ink pen drawings give me that vibrant colour, that I like. Everyone has a different picture that they like. Please enjoy looking at all the pictures and decide for yourself!

When I married, my mate encouraged me to draw. I had always wanted to draw, being raised by an artist.

My mother is an artist and the walls of our home are adorned with her pictures. As a child I used to sit and watch her draw for hours.

I thank both my Mate & my Mother for the desire to draw and spirit for the ability to do it.

The picture that you see here is Ink pen drawing :
#64 Storm Upon Us :

I had a dream of presenting my work to the people of this Beautiful Earth. My pictues sat in my closet for 20 years while I attended to raising my family. Once the family was gone. I had more time and pulled out my art and looked at it. I really liked what I saw. Don't You ?
Email let me know.
I then created a full line of greeting cards 5" X 7", and a full set of LIMITED EDITION prints. Now here I am puting my dream on the net.

Thanks for coming, I hope you will come back

Thanks Robert

Getting Rich From My Site ?
I am a Millionaire having shared myself with you.

My Marble Site :
I also love to collect. I have a collection of over 640 jars full !

Check it out the marbles.

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Check Out My Web Ring !
"Creative Displays"
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"Love" "Light" "Peace" To All